manna bags

With so many people in need of food, our Manna Bags Ministry continues to provide help in our community. 

Manna Bags are ziplock bags located in the lobby of the Sanctuary containing some or all of the items listed below. Take one or more bags and keep them in your car or at home and give one to the person on the street corner asking for help or a person that God has placed in your path needing your help. 

Please bring any of the items listed below to the church office between 10 am and 3 pm Monday through Thursday or Sunday mornings. If you can’t get to the church, please contact the office at 713.666.2175 and we will arrange to pick up your donation. Monetary donations to help purchase Manna Bag supplies can also be made here.


• Potted meat—2 small cans or 1 big can

• Tuna—packaged or pop-top

• Beans—4.6 oz.-15.5 oz. 

• Vienna Sausages—2 small cans

 • Beef jerky/sticks

• Nuts


• Bottled water

• Juice (Capri Sun) or juice box


• Fruit cups

• Fruit bars

• Granola bars

• Apple sauce

• Dried Fruit (raisins/berries)


• Cookies (individually wrapped)

• Crackers

• Crackers with cheese

• Peanut butter (snack packs)


• Forks and spoons

• Shelter booklet and Upper Room booklet

• Toothbrush and toothpaste (travel size)

• Washcloth/soap

• Handi wipes

• Tissues (travel size)

• Hand Sanitizer (travel size)


• Socks


(in addition to the other items listed) 

• Goldfish crackers

• Animal crackers

• Pretzels

• Pudding cups

• Fruit chews

• Small stuffed toy


• Gloves

• Stocking Cap

• Scarf

braes interfaith ministries

St. Philip’s is one of the founding member congregations of Braes Interfaith Ministries, a collaboration of Judeo-Christian Congregations which provides physical, spiritual, and emotional assistance to persons in need within selected zip codes in Southwest Houston: 77025, 77035, 77045, 77051, 77053, 77054, 77071, 77085, 77096.


Located on the property of Willow Meadows Baptist on West Bellfort, BIM is a valuable source of food and other services. Our church is committed to providing BIM financial support, non-perishable supplies and volunteers throughout the year. 

We accept donations for BIM and deliver the items to them throughout the month.

You can find more information about Braes Interfaith Ministries at their website: