Safe Sanctuary Certification

Safe Sanctuaries is an overt expression in making congregations safe places where children, youth, and elders may experience the abiding love of God and fellowship within the community of faith.

Prior to working in the youth and/or children ministry (or any area including other vulnerable people), workers must undergo child protection safety training. Comprehensive training on issues of child sexual abuse in church settings shall be required for all clergy, paid staff, and volunteers (e.g., youth group leaders) who regularly supervise activities for children, youth, and other vulnerable people. This training will be offered at least annually.

In order to become certified at St. Philip's you must:

  • Read and complete our Safe Sanctuary application
  • Grant permission to conduct a background check
  • Complete the training presentation, including the quiz at the end
  • Affirm your 1-year Covenant to safeguard all children placed under your care

You need to complete the training presentation and pass the quiz (with a passing score of 80% or better) once, every two years. You will also be asked to complete an Annual Renewal Form (short form) once per year, as well.

Safe Sanctuary Training

Church Staff, Contract Employees, and Volunteers must complete training opportunities every two years. In addition, candidates must submit to a background check through the Texas Annual Conference.

AVAILABLE MAY 15TH 2023 - MAY 15TH 2024




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Please use the following resources for study and reference. Click on the blue buttons under each topic to access the information.

Further information about Safe Sanctuary articles and studies can be found HERE

  • Safe Sanctuaries: A Comprehensive Abuse Prevention Policy Development Guide is completely revised and updated, providing local church leaders with standards to development, implement, and monitor their own abuse prevention and risk reduction strategies.

  • The first step in helping abused or neglected children is learning to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect. The presence of a single sign does not prove child abuse is occurring in a family, but a closer look at the situation may be warranted when these signs appear repeatedly or in combination.

  • How do Social Media Guidelines work to protect those who are most vulnerable from abuse? This short video will introduce this aspect of Safe Sanctuaries®, opening up conversation for small groups, during training, and in congregational gatherings.

  • The understanding of what it means to be an LGBTQ youth in today’s world continues to evolve. So, too, do Safe Sanctuaries® recommendations continue to mature as ministry leaders continue to seek better ways to reduce the risk of harm and abuse for this vulnerable population.

  • Know who to call

    Know who should make the call

    Know why to call

  • Ministry leaders can use the following suggestions as they plan events and travel with youth, or other vulnerable populations, as a part of their ministry.