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We aRe
the Causation
to regrow
the next Generation
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
the new creation has come:
The old has gone,
the new is here!
Our Core Values
1. Time— We commit to investing in our youth
by spending both quality and quantity time with them.
2. Love— We commit to investing in our youth
by loving them unconditionally, cheerfully, and faithfully,
and expressing that love in appropriate ways.
3. Prayer— We commit to investing in our youth
by praying for and with them faithfully.
4. Mentoring—We commit to investing in our youth
by mentoring them through their questions of faith
and daily experiences in “one-on-one” or small group settings.
5. Teaching— We commit to instructing our youth
in the core doctrines of the Christian faith in ways
that creatively engage their hearts and minds.
6. Equipping— We commit to instructing our youth
to equip them to grow spiritually and to lead healthy,
wise, and productive lives.
7. Modeling— We commit that in order to inspire our youth,
we must be passionate followers of Jesus Christ
and consistently living healthy, wise, and productive lives.
8. Challenging—We commit that in order to inspire our youth,
we must challenge them to live for Christ with all of their hearts
and to join us in taking “faith-filled risks” for Christ.
9. Mobilizing— We commit that in order to ignite our youth
with a passion for Christ and others we must regularly create opportunities
for them to worship, serve the Church, minister to the needy, and evangelize.
10.Launching—We commit that in order to ignite our youth
and properly “launch” them into their future, we must prepare them for service
to God, life’s challenges, for healthy relationships, and for leadership.